Welcome to Peter's PaperBoys!
With a dozen or so titles in the Helion & Co Paper soldiers range, it’s time to break out online with new ranges of the little chaps designed to extend the use of the armies in those books, (also downloadable as PDFs) and to cover new ground in a more expansive way than is allowed by the rigid space limits of a 48 page book.
I will be adding regularly to the range of sheets available. You can follow my progress day to day, comment and make suggestions on Peter's Paperboys group on Facebook.
Paper Armies Proper Armies!
Happy Snipping,
Peter Dennis
Find out about Peter’s PaperBoys books published by Helion and Company here.
Helion host a range of free downloadable sheets to complement the books here.

How to Make Paper Soldiers
If it is your first time or you require a refresher, we have videos with Peter Dennis showing you how to assemble your paper soldiers in the Old Fashion (Concertina Style) and the
New Way of dong it!
There are also FREE instructional PDFs available for you to download.
Don't forget that the Facebook Group is pretty active and that is the best place to ask for help.
Latest Releases
A Word on Copyright
" Your downloaded sheets are yours to keep and to print as often as you like for your own hobby use.
They are, however, my copyright and you must not republish or otherwise release them to the public in any form, digital or print without my express permission.
To do so will risk bringing our Paper Soldiering adventures in history to a premature end. So please, keep them to yourself! "
- Thank You. Peter Dennis