10mm scale ‘Hard Cover’ buildings
- C17 Buildings 1
- C17 Buildings 2
- Fortified Manor House and Inn
- Bridges and Windmill
- Ground Surfaces for Buildings Bases
Back in the early 80s I published a range of 6mm scale printed card models to support my own 6mm gaming. This micro-business was called ‘Hard Cover Designs’.
I have adapted several of these sheets into the buildings bundle to support the Thirty Years War and ECW 10mm scale Paperboys.
The original publication cardstock was fairly thick and I used edge-gluing rather than making thick tabs which would distort the models. Print these onto 160 gsm paper (40lb US) if you have it, or reinforce them if you are using thinner stuff.
Make tabs for the main wall and roof joins where there is space on the sheet in all cases. The chimneys and small details can be edge-glued.
The Bridges are reproduced at their original 6mm scale. They looked way too big when I enlarged them! You may find the roadways are too wide, but they can be easily narrowed at the making stage.