Keep your Paper units organised!
Designed for the Rules of Absolute Emperor to hold 3 Divisions of 4 Bases Each 40mmX40mm.
The box can be used for any system of bases 40x40, or 4 Regiments of 3 Bases each of 40x40, or ANY combination you fancy!
Print on 160g (40lb US.) paper. Note: The box sheets were not photoshopped and should be printed at 100%. Try one first for size against your bases. This bundle comprises:
- Box Sheet 1
- Box Sheet 2
Once downloaded, the sheets can be printed individually as often as you like, which means you can build as many boxes of this kind as you like. You will need scissors, a craft knife, glue, appropriate paper.
The boxes are laid out on A4 format, which will print onto US legal sized paper, or will fit US letter size printed at 93%.