We have made them available to download as a complete bundle of 14 individual sheets.
- Unarmoured Infantry 1
- Unarmoured infantry 2
- Armoured Infantry 1
- Armoured Infantry 2
- Skirmish Infantry
- Archers
- Horse Archers
- Heavy Cavalry
- Cataphract Cavalry
- Light Cavalry
- Romano-British Heavy Cavalry
- Romano-British Warband
- 'Shieldwall’ Kneeling Front Rank
- Late Roman Arthurian Characters & Commanders
Once downloaded, the sheets can be printed as often as you like, which means you can build up Large Armies very cheaply.
You will need scissors, a craft knife, glue, appropriate paper and some stiffer card for bases, all of which are described in the how-to section.
The figures are laid out in A4 format, which will print onto US legal sized paper, or will fit US letter size printed at 93%.
You can, of course, print the figures in any scale you choose, making them uniquely flexible in this respect.
You will need to make a stiff Card Base for each stand. Dimensions of the stand is up to you and your preferred rule system.
I use 40x30mm deep for three rank Infantry and all Cavalry, and 40x20mm deep for two rank Infantry and Skirmishers.
Our Motto is Paper Armies, Proper Armies!