The "Desert Landscape" bundle has arrived, offering unparalleled versatility for your wargaming tables.
This five-sheet set serves a dual purpose: use it as a beautiful Backdrop to enhance your miniature photography or employ the sheets as Table Edge Strips to extend and enrich your existing gaming surface.
Each sheet features sand dunes against either a clouded or plain sky, providing varied atmospheric options. Plus, you have the choice of sheets with pre-printed Rocky Outcrops to be applied on blank dunes, giving you the freedom to customise your desert terrain to your exact specifications. This bundle is the perfect way to create immersive desert battlefields for any Wargame.
The Backdrop Desert or Table Edge Strips (2.5MB) )bundle includes:
- Plain Desert Dunes with Clouds
- Plain Desert Dunes with Sky Gradient
- Rocky Desert Dunes with Clouds
- Rocky Desert Dunes with Sky Gradient
- Rocky OutCrops to cut out and Apply on Dunes
- How to Sheet
Once downloaded, the sheets can be printed as often as you like, which means you can build up Large Backdrops or Edge Strips very cheaply.
You will need scissors, a craft knife, glue, appropriate paper and some stiffer card for bases, all of which are described in the how-to section.
The figures are laid out in A4 format, which will print onto US legal sized paper, or will fit US letter size printed at 93%.
You can, of course, print the figures in any scale you choose, making them uniquely flexible in this respect.
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