The Monmouth Rebellion, also known as the Pitchfork Rebellion, the Revolt of the West or the West Country rebellion, was an attempt to depose James II, who in February 1685 succeeded his brother Charles II as king of England, Scotland and Ireland. A group of dissident Protestants led by James Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth, eldest illegitimate son of Charles II, opposed James largely due to his Catholicism. (Wikipedia)
We have made them available to download as a complete bundle of 22 individual sheets.
- Makers notes
- Rebel Musketeers
- Rebel Pikemen
- Rebel Scythemen
- Rebel Purple Coat rRegiment
- Rebel or Militia Cavalry
- Government Line Infantry
- Government Horse
- Oxford Blues Horse
- Government Dragoons
- Artillery Crews
- Scottish Greycoat Infantry
- Highlanders
- Commanders
- Monmouth’s Lifeguard and Pack Horses
- Rebel Flags 1
- Rebel Flags 2
- Rebel Flags 3
- Government Flags 1
- Government flags 2
- Government flags 3
- Government flags 4
Once downloaded, the sheets can be printed as often as you like, which means you can build up Large Armies very cheaply. You will need scissors, a craft knife, glue, appropriate paper and some stiffer card for bases, all of which are described in the how-to section.
The figures are laid out in A4 format, which will print onto US legal sized paper, or will fit US letter size printed at 93%. You can, of course, print the figures in any scale you choose, making them uniquely flexible in this respect.
The figures are laid out in A4 format, which will print onto US legal sized paper, or will fit US letter size printed at 93%. You can, of course, print the figures in any scale you choose, making them uniquely flexible in this respect.
You will need to make a stiff Card Base for each stand. Dimensions of the stand is up to you and your preferred rule system.
I use 40x30mm deep for three rank Infantry and all Cavalry, and 40x20mm deep for two rank Infantry and Skirmishers.
Our Motto is Paper Armies, Proper Armies!